Inspired by ancient wisdom
Finding Stability in Times of Change
For those of us seeking meaning and direction in these complicated times, does St Benedict from 1,500 years ago, have any tips? Richard and Jane Frost, who will be running our next Quiet Day, think he does. In recommending Richard’s book ‘Life with St Benedict, The Rule reimagined for everyday living’, Robert Atwell writes that,
“Benedict, following on from the Desert Mothers and Fathers, sought to bring ordinary people through the ordinary things of life, closer to the God who is everywhere.”
As a fairly ‘ordinary’ person, I find this intriguing. How could I get closer to the God who is everywhere? Perhaps I could learn something?
Recently, it seems, there’s been a renewed interest in monasticism and getting back to their rhythms of daily life. There is a part of us that longs for a ‘Sancta Regula’, a holy rule that’s like a guidepost or railing to hang on to in the dark. Esther de Waal claims that,
“To discover the Rule of St Benedict is to encounter something that is at once inspiring, supporting, reassuring, challenging.”
Again, I am intrigued.
The first of these ‘rules’ is about stability. Thinking about this I realise I seek stability from the world and others around me, but am I a solid influence in return? Do I have a ‘joyful persistence’ as my guest prompted me today? Do I ‘bloom where I’m planted’? and, ‘if life gives me lemons, do I make lemonade’? Or do I tend towards thinking that ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’ and I need to move again? I am really hoping that Richard and Jane will help me slow down and stay long enough to tease out these questions, using the wisdom of St Benedict.
'Finding Stability in Times of Change' quiet day.
Saturday 7th May. 10-4pm Book here
Stop press!!
The Shepherd’s Hut is now available for overnight stays during the warmer season.
Take a look at our Pilgrimage page for details.
Treargel has a makeover
Thanks to our wonderful Gardening Team Treargel is now looking much tidier. The courtyard is spruced up, hydrangeas put under control and cotoneaster tamed. We also had a fantastic barbeque with the team, neighbours and local friends.
We hope to do another Team in the Autumn, focussing on tidying up our beautiful woods. Cutting down dead branches, chopping them up for firewood and storing them.
We will provide free accommodation in
return. No experience necessary, other than a willingness to get your hands dirty.
Sometimes, on my current faith deconstruction journey, I feel strung out and laid bare, like my old shed here. However, I am looking towards new things, perhaps a yurt? Watch this space!
As always folks, don't forget to breathe deeply, rest quietly, and hopefully we will all think more clearly.